Bluetooth beacon technology at eight UK airports

Mobile payment technologies developer Proxama has partnered with Eye Airports to install Bluetooth low-energy beacons at eight airports across the UK. Around 200 beacons will be installed initially at the Stansted, Bristol, Southampton, Inverness, Newcastle, Gatwick and East Midlands airports, and will later be extended to other airports. The beacons will be used to deliver timely and targeted advertisements to passengers while they are waiting at the airports.

“Based on our experience we have already seen a 24% click through rate from our beacon deployments, which is higher than traditional forms of mobile marketing and much more targeted than email and geo-fencing.”

Eye Airports will use the beacon network to drive ‘in-the-moment’ mobile marketing strategies that will connect more than 100 million passengers.

Advertisers will be able to deliver targeted content such as offers and rewards that can be reclaimed while passengers are in the airport.

Eye Airports said: “This commercial partnership with Proxama further underlines our positioning at the forefront of airport advertising technology. Location based marketing offers a direct way of engaging with consumers in high footfall areas, such as UK airports.

“As the consumer chooses to receive these messages, they feel more involved in the communication process and, most importantly, can specify who they want to receive offers from.”


Bluetooth beacon technology at eight UK airports
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