What is Location-Based Marketing and Why You Need It

As many things have changed in our lives during the pandemic, consumer behavior has also changed to adapt to the new normal. In the new normal, customers want to minimize physical contact and complete their shopping processes as soon as possible when shopping offline. Therefore, shopping malls and stores need to apply different solutions to offer campaigns and discounts to the customers. At this point, it is possible to increase your revenues by reaching your customers at the right time and location with the help of location-based marketing.

What is Location-Based Marketing?

Location-based marketing is a marketing concept that allows the business owners to promote their businesses and implement new marketing techniques and advertising campaigns based on consumers’ real-life location.

An illustration of someone holding the phone in her hands, getting navigation from the phone and reaching her destination.

How Does Location Based Marketing Work?

There are few different ways you can make use of location-based marketing for your business. One of the ways is to install beacons in your store that allow you to target customers who are nearby your store. These beacons integrate with the mobile application developed by your store for customers and allow you to send notifications or messages about your store’s campaigns, product locations and personalized offers to customers using the application.

Unlike other location services like GPS (Global Positioning System), beacon technology is useful in indoor places such as malls, stores, museums and shops. It provides more sensitive and accurate location detection that also improves the quality of the shopping journey of the customer by providing details like shelf proximity. This detailed location data can be used by the businesses to notify the customers about the campaigns, discounts and offers of the nearby shelf category.

An iphone with talking baloon says "Hey! You're near Bodyshop in Oxford St. Come in and get 25% off on all body creams."

Why Do You Need It For Your Business?

As we all know, the world is evolving swiftly into a digital form and so are the businesses. Traditional marketing techniques may still work, but businesses need to adopt innovative marketing techniques to not lag behind digital transformation. Especially when the trend in the retail industry towards leaning to e-commerce is considered, stores and shops that operate physically need to implement differentiating marketing techniques such as location-based marketing.

Location-based marketing is not a new concept, but definitely still a useful one. According to the Location-Based Marketing Report published by Factual, almost 9 in 10 marketers said location-based advertising and marketing resulted in higher sales, followed by growth in their customer base (86%) and higher customer engagement (84%).

What PoiLabs Has to Offer

With the use of beacon technology, PoiLabs enable your business to target and keep track of the existing and potential customers around you and helps facilitate your marketing process. These beacons implemented in your store work with Bluetooth technology which is available in almost all mobile devices. This widespread use of Bluetooth technology and the easy integration of it with other services make beacons convenient devices for offering location-based marketing. Moreover, with the help of the beacon network that PoiLabs provides in 30 shopping malls in 12 cities of Turkey, you can find out about which stores your customers are visiting and make use of these services to reach them in the right time!

You can check our webpage for further information or contact us anytime to find out more about our services.

References: https://www.factual.com/blog/factuals-2019-location-based-marketing-report/

What is Location-Based Marketing and Why You Need It
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