How Can We Keep Social Distancing in Factories and Warehouses?

Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak; millions of people do not leave their houses unless they have to. When they do, everyone is conscious about keeping the social distancing.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) emphasizes the importance of social distancing. They suggest using the term physical distancing instead of social distancing for the positive connotation of the term.

Many sectors have already switched to home office setting; and all our Instagram and LinkedIn feeds are filled with the Zoom meeting links. However, many people who work at the production areas or warehouses cannot work remotely. In that case, keeping the physical distancing in those areas are more important than ever.

A violation was detected in the camera footage showing the surrounding items, people who did not follow the social distance.

It is possible to keep the safe distance between the employees with the help of technology. Some platforms check the safe distance between their employees with the help of safety cameras. As they use the cameras that are already installed in these sites, there is no added cost to the firms. All they have to do is to use the image processing technologies and set the regulations. However, these technologies only determine the violations of the safe distance; therefore, other technologies are required to be able to warn the employees when such violations occur.

It is possible to use iBeacons to both determine the safe distance violations between the employees as well as to warn them when it happens. With the devices; there are real time notifications sent to employees when the safe physical distance is violated. The firms can also pursue the process momentarily as the data is pooled at the main server. Also, if an employee is diagnoses with the disease; it is possible to track all the people that they have been in contact within the work site. All these measures help firms to control the disease under the control.

How Can We Keep Social Distancing in Factories and Warehouses?
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