Indoor Location Technologies

There are 5 different indoor location technologies: GPS, WiFi, RFID, Beacons and NFC. They’re all used in different cases according their features.  We’re going to compare them in terms of their range, cost, accuracy, accessibility and security.


Resim1Typical Range

Range refers to the distance signal travels. For all of the solutions listed, range can depend on the configuration, power settings and environment.



Cost includes the expense of setting up, using and maintaining the systems. While cost effectiveness is often relative to the situation, cheaper is usually better when calculating ROI.



Accuracy refers to the reliability of the signal within a given range, and the tolarence of that signal when accounting for environmental factors.




Accesibility refers to the ability of the technology to be tapped into or accessed by a consumer or business. The more ubiquitous those senders and receivers, the more accessible the system. (Higher number = more accessible)


Security refers to the ability of data sent over the system to be hacked or accessed by 3rd parties or malicious intruders. We have included privacy in this metric for the purpose of simplicity. (Higher number = better security/privacy)



Indoor Location Technologies
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